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2D Sandbox

Version: 1.8

Author: NeoMc

Credits: Built by NeoMc, Lobby by Zlimer98

Based off of Sethbling's "The Building Game" and the commonly known game "Draw My Thing", players will each come up with a word, and then another player at random gets the word to build! Then one at a time, each player will be sent up to try to build what their word says as best as they can so the players can accurately guess what it is! The game can be played with 4, 6, or 8 players!

> /clone and /fill commands!
> A new experience every game!
> What redstone can do!

Press the button labeled "Number of Players" and click on the player number, then press "Start Game" to get started. Write down your word onto the paper using the anvil, then when everyone finishes grab the paper out of the dispenser in front of you (it will say to in the game). After twenty seconds, the game automatically sets everyone into the amphitheater and picks a person to build. The builder must try to make his or her word up on the board (inside the charcoal block borders) in 2D art or references, and the players each make their guesses and put them in the dispenser labeled to their number (displayed when you press Tab). Then the builder will check each dispenser at the foot of the board and award points (press the button above the sign) to the players who guess correctly! After each player builds once, the game concludes!

Map by NeoMc
Programming by NeoMc
Amphitheater and Lobby Design by Zlimer98

© 2015 by NeoMc. Proudly created with

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