Parkour Sandbox
Based strongly off of SethBling's "The Building Game", players will each take a turn building a parkour course, then they are thrust into the course themselves and it becomes a race to finish first!
Latest Version Fixes:
> Revised the system update engine and renovated the redstone to non-visible, constantly updating redstone circuitry that features no block updating and less lag. This uses an activator rail and a command block minecart to speed up the updating and to stop lag.
> Restyled the team select room a bit... Will upload new pics of it soon!
*As of V1.7*
> Added a "Second" and "Minute" counter to the scoreboard for a better time display!
> Revised the system so the first player finished gets three points, second gets two, and third gets one point!
> Added a firework display when you land on the end platform!
> Added sounds!
> Gamemode 3 (Spectate) awarded to a player when they complete the course so they can watch the rest of the people!
> All messages execute have tag <Parkour Sandbox> in front of them, also reformatted to look neater. Custom symbols used in the scoreboard displays too!
> Added the "Fun Panel" to make the waiting time more interesting...
- Use of the new commands such as /clone, /fill, and even special scoreboard tracking!
- Challenge your friends with the courses YOU build!
- Endless fun for everyone!
How to Play:
The game is extremely straightforward compared to my last few. Just press the "Start Game" button and then have each player pick a team. The first player will be chosen to build immediately following team select and they have any amount of time (Be considerate of time) to construct their course. In the meantime, the other players are warped into a large room with a terrain generated from Minecraft, and they can do whatever they please. They can build houses, devices, toy about, and even make practice parkour courses to do until the admin finishes. The only thing the admin player needs to focus on is making sure the whole course is original and possible. At the end of the course, get a milk bucket from the admin tools panel and drink it to spawn the end platform (this spawns one-block in each direction with two command blocks under you). Put a pressure plate on top, but don't step on it!
The game has five rounds, one for each player to build, and the final round being a random player builds a second time.
The game is built for four players, no more or less. You can try the map with eight players, but I have no guarantees what may happen.
Concept based on "The Building Game" by SethBling
Map by NeoMc